“How to Become an ICF PCC Ready Coach with a 50% Tuition Fee Waiver and Impact Lives of Individuals / Families”
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Coach4Excellence LIVING Coaching is 100% grounded in Professional Coaching Core Competencies. The program is delivered to Adult Learners via Discovery & Action Learning Methodology. The instructional design is experiential incorporating Video, Audio, Print Caselets coupled with instructor led sessions. All instructors are ICF® PCC and MCC credentialled coaches in good standing. Our combined coaching experience of over 20,000 hours with individuals, groups and teams is simply unmissable in your formative period of being a coach.
ICF® - Level 1 ACC Credential Qualifying Program - ACC
Certified Coaching Essentials Practitioner Program (CCEP) is a 60 Hour Formative Training Program balanced with Coaching Science & Skills coupled with 10 hours of Mentor Coaching included. ACSTH Pathway
ICF® - Level 2 PCC Credential Qualifying Program - PCC
Certified ADVanced Coaching Professional Program (CACP) is 125 hours Intensive Training Program balanced with Coaching Science & Skills coupled with 10 hours of Mentor Coaching included. ACTP Pathway
ICF® MCC Credential Qualifying Program - MCC
Certified Master Coach Program (CMC) is a Coaching Mastery Program that helps an individual to coach others with ease and grace. 75 hours of intensive balanced with Coaching Science & Skills coupled with 10 hours Mentor Coaching included.
Certified Behavioral Coach Program - CBC
Certified Behavioral Coach is a 60 hours intensive program to bring about behavioral shifts in the person being coached. The program requires CCEP or equivalent training. 10 hours supervision included.
Certified Creative Coach Program - CCC
Certified Creative Coach program is for individuals with CCEP qualification. The program is designed to bring about flexibility and spontaneity in coaching partnership with the client. The coach will be able to use creative tools comprising of pictures, quotations, metaphors, anecdotes to coach their clients who are either individuals or groups of people. 60 Hours of science and skills.
Certified Executive Coach Program - CEC
Certified Executive Coach Program is for individuals with CCEP qualification. The program is designed for coaches to advance and expand their coaching practice to include business / organization leadership teams. The program provides almost everything that is required to become an executive coach including tools and processes for performance results. 60 hours inclusive of 10 hours of supervision.
Certified Leadership Coach Program – CLC
Certified Leadership Coach Program is for individuals with CCEP qualification who are desirous of creating a coaching niche’ that would entail coaching leaders for developing exemplary leadership practices. The 60 hour intensive training program provides tools and process to coach leaders become more successful.
Certified Medical Coach Program – CMC
Certified Medical Coach Program is for individuals with CCEP qualification who are desirous of creating a coaching niche’ that would entail coaching Medics & Paramedics, besides hospital staff for developing good patient & patient relatives cum attender’s interaction practices. The 48-hour intensive training program provides tools and process to coach hospital staff to self-manage their own behaviors in crucial interactions with receivers of their service, manage their own stress, team better with paramedics, self-leadership etc., while interacting with others.
Certified Sales Coach Program – CSC
Certified Sales Coach Program is for individuals with CCEP qualification who are desirous of creating a coaching niche’ that would entail coaching Sales Managers, Sales Workforce for developing exemplary Sales Behaviors & Practices. The 60 hour intensive training program provides tools and process to coach incumbents become more successful by self-managing, think critically, make informed choices & decisions, influence others and serve better, Manage sales and Lead sales workforce better, etc.,.
Certified Team Coach Program – CTC
Certified Team Coach Program is for individuals with CCEP qualification who are desirous of creating a coaching niche’ that would entail coaching Teams for developing exemplary functional behaviors, contribute and interrelationship practices. The 60 hour intensive training program provides tools and process to coach teams become more successful leading to high performance.
Certified Executive & Leadership Coach Program - ELC
Certified Executive & Leadership Coach Program is for individuals with CCEP qualification who are desirous of creating a coaching niche’ that would entail coaching business leaders & executives for becoming & sustaining exemplary success practices. The 60 hour intensive training program provides tools and process to Transformatively coach leaders become more successful.