Certified Medical Coach 48 Hours Duration


By the end of this program you will be able to:

  • Help you clients identify methods for breaking difficult news
  • Coach your clients to manage own behavior & aid in patient behavioral wellness
  • Help you clients to minimize shocks & cope better
  • Prepare both the house and for remaining life

Admission Criteria: All those who have completed

C4E ‘Certified ADVanced Coaching Professional Program’ OR Completed a Minimum of 125 hours ICF® ACTP / ACSTH training from other listed ICF Training Providers


  1. Medical Coaching Essentials
  2. Roles of Individuals in the engagement – Patient, Patient Attendants /
  3. Relatives, Medical Practitioners, & Para Medics
  4. Contracting for successful engagement – Administrative Contracting,
  5. Professional Contracting, & Psychological Contracting
  6. The differing Coaching Needs of Different Stake Holders
  7. Designing the coaching process
  8. Executing the process
  9. Measuring the success
  10. Coaching Lab – 16 hours + 3 observed sessions – Synchronous
  11. 12 hours of Asynchronous coaching coupled with Journaling and Reporting for Supervision