Coach4Excellence is committed to excellence through promotion of diversity, equity, inclusion, justice in a pervasive community. At Coach4Excellence we seek to ensure that every person that we partner with is “respected, valued and psychologically safe”. We model and promote the belief that all of us were created equal. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Safety, Justice is a coaching practice imperative. Our clients are global come from all walks of life which are unique. It is our understanding that everyone is unique, and a recognition of our individual differences, so that each one feels psychologically safe, important, respected, included, and engaged as we assimilate people with differences including but not limited to nationality, geography, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical abilities, family status, religious beliefs, perspective, experience, or other ideologies.

At Coach4Excellence we are committed to conducting ourselves ethically per the ICF® Code of Conduct, communicated to every participant / client and endorsed by both the parties. Equal opportunity to learn, apply and test learnt concepts and fair, objective feedback are essential part of our code of conduct, along with ensuring equal opportunity for the learner to participate & partner in the successful program execution.

{Ps. Note: Visually challenged audience requirements are catered to via course wares that is designed to be read by text to speech applications.}