About us
Our Vision:
Our vision is to empower aspiring coaches to acquire, demonstrate, articulate and embody coaching value through Living Coaching the coaching science and skills program that will support them as professional coaches to contribute globally, and live the core values of professional coaching: respect, safety, diversity, inclusion, equity, collaboration, and excellence.
We will strive to provide our graduates with a strong foundation in coaching science and skills that will enable to them to create a career in professional coaching
We are dedicated to a continuing tradition of excellence in an ever-changing world. Within a safe and supportive environment, we provide a relevant, high-quality education and prepare our diverse student body for future endeavors.
Cultivating Excellence in Every Learner.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to lead and support aspiring Individuals & corporations in their professional coaching journey, through our Science & Skills Development, to be at their best in bringing out the best in everyone that they coach.
Committed to Excellence in Coaching, Helping Passionate people to ‘Become and Be The Coach’, consequently Coach4Excellence is “The GO TO school for ‘Science & Art’ of Coaching where concept & art converge for Individual & Organization Effectiveness”
Living Coaching – Living Passionately as A Way of LIFE – An Authentic Coach Training Program and perhaps the first in the region to be awarded ICF’s highest level of Accreditation – ACTP i.e. Accredited Coach Training Program status for 444 hours learning content since 2013. The Living Coaching Program is an outcome of extensive research over 36 months and secondary literature reviews of over 100 researchers cum authors. The teaching and learning is both intuitive and scientific coupled with rigor to build the required skills for individuals to develop greater ‘Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral skills’ for coaching their clients to effectiveness. The program draws from the following domain
- Applied / Organization Psychology & Behavior,
- Neuro Psychology,
- Sociology,
- Neuro Linguistic Program,
- Philosophy – Spiritual,
- Sales & Marketing Management,
- Customer Service Management,
- Everyday school of Life – Communicating, Leading, Teaming, Management & Sustenance
- Applied / Organization Psychology & Behavior,
The founders and core team members of Coach4Excellence have been senior organization leaders in their past careers and dedicated students for life. Collectively the team has over a million hours of group and individual engagement by way of – Coaching, Mentoring, Consulting, Training, Assessing, Awareness Creation through Feeding back of vital data to aid individual and organization effectiveness and development.
As on date, C4E has trained and certified over 200 individuals with varied background as coaches. More than 70% of them are ICF Credentialed coaches.
Should you have the desire to BECOME a coach, we have the inclination to help you BECOME & BE a coach by partnering with you in your learning journey.